Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de thread

to threadenhebrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I threadyo enhebro
you threadtú enhebras
he threadsél enhebra
she threadsella enhebra
we threadnosotros enhebramos
you threadvosotros enhebráis
they threadellos enhebran
they threadellas enhebran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I threadedyo enhebré
you threadedtú enhebraste
he threadedél enhebró
she threadedella enhebró
we threadednosotros enhebramos
you threadedvosotros enhebrasteis
they threadedellos enhebraron
they threadedellas enhebraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have threadedyo he enhebrado
you have threadedtú has enhebrado
he has threadedél ha enhebrado
she has threadedella ha enhebrado
we have threadednosotros hemos enhebrado
you have threadedvosotros habéis enhebrado
they have threadedellos han enhebrado
they have threadedellas han enhebrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had threadedyo había enhebrado
you had threadedtú habías enhebrado
he had threadedél había enhebrado
she had threadedella había enhebrado
we had threadednosotros habíamos enhebrado
you had threadedvosotros habíais enhebrado
they had threadedellos habían enhebrado
they had threadedellas habían enhebrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will threadyo enhebraré
you will threadtú enhebrarás
he will threadél enhebrará
she will threadella enhebrará
we will threadnosotros enhebraremos
you will threadvosotros enhebraréis
they will threadellos enhebrarán
they will threadellas enhebrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have threadedyo habré enhebrado
you will have threadedtú habrás enhebrado
he will have threadedél habrá enhebrado
she will have threadedella habrá enhebrado
we will have threadednosotros habremos enhebrado
you will have threadedvosotros habréis enhebrado
they will have threadedellos habrán enhebrado
they will have threadedellas habrán enhebrado

I would threadyo enhebraría
you would threadtú enhebrarías
he would threadél enhebraría
she would threadella enhebraría
we would threadnosotros enhebraríamos
you would threadvosotros enhebraríais
they would threadellos enhebrarían
they would threadellas enhebrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have threadedyo habría enhebrado
you would have threadedtú habrías enhebrado
he would have threadedél habría enhebrado
she would have threadedella habría enhebrado
we would have threadednosotros habríamos enhebrado
you would have threadedvosotros habríais enhebrado
they would have threadedellos habrían enhebrado
they would have threadedellas habrían enhebrado

Participio presenteAnotado
threading enhebrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
threaded enhebrado

Más verbos

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